Part I – Co-existence for Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange Server 2010
Part II – Co-existence for Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange Server 2010
Assigning certificate to Exchange 2003
You can use below command to get current assigned certificate for Exchange 2010.
Then use below command line in Exchange management shell to export the certificate for Exchange 2003. You will be asking for User Name and Password, also User Name is not important.
Paste your certificate thumbprint in -Thumbprint argument.
$file = Export-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint 76695655A4F64BF7204863415C6DBCC0F97D1055 -BinaryEncoded:$true -Password (Get-Credential).password
Save the certificate
Set-Content -Path “C:\Exchange2010Certificate.pfx” -Value $file.FileData -Encoding Byte
Go to Exchange 2003 server and Import the above certificate (PFX) in to personal node.
Now open IIS Manager and go to Default Web Site properties.
Go to Directory Security tab and click Server Certificate in Secure Communications.
Assign an existing certificate/Replace existing certificate
Again open the Exchange System Manager and go to Exchange Virtual Server Properties.
Select Enable Forms Based Authentication in Settings tab.
Restart IIS Service.
Exchange 2003 Web access will be accessible.
Now we have to change the communication mode for Exchange 2003 to use SSL.
Now log in to Exchange 2003 mailbox through Exchange 2010 Outlook Web App.
See the redirection path bottom of the browser.
You will be redirected to Exchange 2003 user mailbox.
Now we have to configure mail flow to route mail between Exchange 2003 and 2010. Use below command to create new routing group connector.
New-RoutingGroupConnector -Name “Exchange 2003 – Exchange 2010” -SourceTransportServers “” -TargetTransportServers “” -Cost 1 -Bidirectional $true -PublicFolderReferralsEnabled $true
Check the created connectors in Exchange System Manager.
You can delete all Routing Group Connectors by executing this command:
Get-RoutingGroupConnector | Remove-RoutingGroupConnector -confirm:$false
Also you can create Routing group connectors using below commands as well.
Routing Group Connector (Exchange Server 2010 to Exchange Server 2003)
New-RoutingGroupConnector -Name “2010-2003” -SourceTransportServers “” -TargetTransportServers “” -Cost 1 -Bidirectional $false -PublicFolderReferralsEnabled $true
Routing Group Connector (Exchange Server 2003 to Exchange Server 2010)
New-RoutingGroupConnector -Name “2003-2010” -SourceTransportServers “” -TargetTransportServers “” -Cost 1 -Bidirectional $false -PublicFolderReferralsEnabled $true
Lets test the mail flow.
For External web access, you should create legacy host record on your external DNS and should point to Exchange 2003 Server with a different static IP. Also you can achieve this by using ISA/TMG server with a single IP.
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