Microsoft Lync Server 2010 introduces a large set of new and improved features compared to what was available in Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2. One improvement is the way in which you manage your implementation. For example, there’s a new user interface, called the Lync Server Control Panel, which represents a big shift from what most people are used to with the Microsoft Management Console. The other major improvement to manageability is the inclusion of Windows PowerShell. (Description paste from here)
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Enable User for Lync
Enable-CsUser -Identity “NameOfTheUser” -RegistrarPool “LyncRegistrarPool” -SipAddressType SamAccountName -SipDomain DomainName -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $False
Enable-CsUser -Identity “Damitha Anuradha” -RegistrarPool “” -SipAddressType SamAccountName -SipDomain -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $False
Enable Enterprise Voice for Lync user
Set-CsUser -Identity “NameOfTheUser” -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $True -LineUri “LineUri“
Set-CsUser -Identity “Damitha Anuradha” -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $True -LineUri “tel:+502”
Change sip address of a Lync user
Set-CsUser -Identity “Name OfTheUser” -SipAddress “NewSipAddress“
Set-CsUser -Identity “Damitha Anuradha” -SipAddress “sip:[email protected]”
Get all AD Users which not enabled for Lync
Get-CsAdUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $null} | Format-Table -wrap -Property DisplayName > Location
Get-CsAdUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $null} | Format-Table -wrap -Property DisplayName > C:\ADUsers.txt
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